Two patients treated with minimal invasive protocol using cutting edge technology
This is a great example of 2 patients (4 restored arches) who presented with hopeless dentitions and were treated with a 4-appointment prosthodontic protocol and monolithic zirconia prostheses implementing a complete digital workflow.
The outcomes are presented after clinical and radiographic observation for 2 years.
Patient 1
A 68-year-old edentulous male with hopeless dentition presented for implant consultation to replace his missing teeth. Comprehensive diagnostic examination revealed that the patient had multiple missing teeth, existing decay and malocclusion.

Image 1: Patient 1 Before
A minimal invasive treatment protocol was used to place 6 implants in the maxilla and 6 implants in the mandible. The patient received fixed temporary teeth the same day. A few months later final zirconia porcelain bridges were fabricated with a digital workflow.

Image 2: Patient 1 After
Patient 2
A 64-year-old male patient presented with hopeless dentition for implant consultation, requesting restoration of function and esthetics. Multiple fractured and decayed teeth were present with defective restorations.

Image 3: Patient 2 Before
A minimal invasive treatment protocol was used to place 6 implants in the maxilla and 6 implants in the mandible. The patient received fixed temporary teeth the same day. A few months later final zirconia porcelain bridges were fabricated with a digital workflow.

Image 4: Patient 2 After
If you are interested in a consultation for replacement for your missing teeth with the most cutting edge minimal invasive approach reach out at